About Us

Incorporated in the year 2010 , the group has now evolved into a conglomerate and is professionally managed by a team of highly accomplished professionals , of the highest calibre and tested temperament , drawn from various multinationals operating over a wide cross section of trade and industry worldwide with proven track records of success in delivering exhilarating results in the most challenging and competitive business environments , globally .
In terms of the exacting standards of performance we have set for ourselves, it is our constant endeavour to raise the bar continuously.
The group specializes in Total Turnkey contracts in Renewable, Infrastructure projects,water management, energy conservation , real estate , international funding, information technology and other sunrise areas.
The multitude of techno-commercial capabilities and core competencies of the group can be best utilized only by economics of size and scale and while the group is constantly endeavouring to associate only in mega sized projects and ventures with corporates of global acclaim, it is equally open to unique business opportunities from new and progressive start ups , the world over ,transgressing geographical boundaries and international trade and taxation constraints .
The conservation of the ecology and environment of our planet is today one of the topmost concerns worldwide. Several world bodies have initiated and implemented numerous developmental schemes in various parts of the globe to address this issue.However there is now an urgent need for major corporates to step in and put forth their combined might in much greater measure to combat the progressive degradation of our environment , ecology and fresh water reserves and preserve and maintain the ecology and environment of our planet for the survival and sustenance of the human race for many future generations .
The Neptune group ,incorporated for these very objectives to be successfully attained , is a conglomerate of various corporate entities and globally renowned experts specializing in emerging Renewable Energy Technologies & power projects, Water conservation & recycling, desalination plants, infrastructure projects, international funding , corporate governance , real estate development , information technology and promotion of Energy saving buildings . Our forte is total turnkey projects in the above spheres of global business focused on sustainability and preservation of the ecology and the environment.
The group has been able to successfully harness this spectrum of diversified techno commercial expertise and deploy the same to advantage in Asia, Middle East & North Africa and Europe with a continually expanding business portfolio .
The prime objective of the group is to contribute towards conservation of our global ecology and environment and reversal of the degradation of the same. The secondary objective is to develop full-fledged business partnerships with local corporates in these regions of the world and nurture the same to grow into crucial profit centers thereby enhancing the individual economies of the respective countries of business location.
The group’s quest for perfection and excellence is perennial , it’s motivation and energy boundless and foot print , ever expanding.